and Solutions
#01 Infrastructure Services & Support
It is through our Technology Services offerings where we develop, deploy and maintain the systems and software that are delivering innovation and enabling the high performance of our clients across all kinds of industries.
Rosedale Technologies posses the right calibre of professionals along with the inclusive tools to design, develop and manage the key performance aspects of your IT infrastructure – Servers, Applications, Databases and Networks and more in real time and over period of time.
#02 ICT Consultancy Services
Rosedale Technologies has a team of experienced IT consultants and engineers with broad knowledge of various IT disciplines including IT Strategy Development, Business Requirements & Development, IT relocation, cyber security, disaster recovery, network design, phone and VoIP systems, cloud infrastructure and much more that help you achieve our clients’ business goals.
#03 ICT Product Sales & Support
Our dedicated IT procurement team is able to determine the best pricing, stock availability and latest product line across all hardware and software vendors. This includes Hardware & software procurement, warranty management, software licence management and vendor relations management
#04 Enterprise Architecture Services
We provide specialist Enterprise Architecture consultancy & training by using the TOGAF Framework to help our clients in realising business vision and strategy into the enterprise by developing and improving the key requirements, concerns, principles and models that describe the enterprise’s current and future state and enables its evolution.